Friday, October 9, 2015

The "Catphish Campaign" of a Pseudo-reality - The New Clinton Campaign Method

Nancy Pelosi once said, “You can create any reality you want”. Mrs. Pelosi, of course, was referring to the recent release of the undercover videos exposing the butchery of Planned Parenthood. Now, we all realize that there was absolutely no doctoring of those videos. The full, unedited footage is widely available for consumption online. But to play to the uninformed or naive, you may be able to make the case that a sizable portion of the nation will certainly believe that they were contrived based upon Pelosi’s ascertain alone. A large portion of the population is actually denying cold, hard evidence without even taking the task of investigating the claims themselves. It is an interesting phenomenon to witness. Based upon this phenomena, we are inadvertently given a window into a current trend occurring within the Democrat party. A trend that encompasses the methodology of the current White House administration's propaganda tactics. By controlling an alternate “virtual” reality through the lens of social media, you can effectively shape public opinion. This new frontier can provide inventive and innovative ways of propaganda through misinformation marketing. Ultimately, we're led to understand the new approach of the Democrats, more importantly Hillary Clinton’s "Catfish" Campaign strategy.

  With campaign season upon us, I have to pine for the days of the campaigns of yesteryear. Shaking hands, Kissing babies, and simple public interactive persuasion...that was how it was done. Technological media advances have always had an impact on the methods of reaching people within the political arena. It has also had an impact upon the basis for the perceptions the public has of their political candidates. New advances in technology always comes with new political challenges. Looking back over time and through the history of political campaigns, the impact of technology is clearly evident. The rise of Radio gave way to the "personal touch and connection" with the populous, as evidenced with the “Fire Side Chats” of the FDR administration. Television changed the image standards of current politicians. In fact, many news outlets continually LOVE to revisit the Kennedy/Nixon televised debate of 1960. It is often cited by Left-wing News Media as the pivotal point in the campaign, This was the moment Nixon's perspiration was similar to that which would most likely occur if Jenna Jameson was climbing into a Southern Baptist Pew after a cutting a “scene”. Ultimately, it showed a nervous lack of confidence with Nixon that was getting the best of him in real time. That new media forum allowed for a visual nuance to be added into future campaigns. With the rise of the internet and social media, the game has again changed and evolved the political candidacy of the major leagues.

  The new age of social media is an intriguing and interesting animal. As a former working musician, I understood the need to exploit these channels upon their earliest inception. Starting with forums such as MySpace and Facebook, we began to connect with fans and friends in ways we never could have imagined were possible. This led to interesting and unintended consequences. I began to connect with old friends and acquaintances that I had lost touch with over decades ago. I even inadvertently connected to those that I had relationships with ages ago. That led to questions such as, "Whatever happened to Sarah?" "Oh Look! She sent me a request on Facebook! Oh, WOW... I'm glad our relationship didn't go that far! I REALLY dodged that bullet!” Then, there were those that you knew had a grasp on reality and were blessed with above normal intelligence.  "Whatever happened my buddy Jim? It looks like he's doing really well!" But that's when reality dawned on me. Just about everyone you know would not display the disputes and arguments that they have with their spouses, the times that they were pulled over by the police and were cited with a ticket, or whether or not they were ever involved in a fistfight at the neighborhood bar with someone who tried to hit on their wife. With the exception of those who post every single life crisis on their page in a passive aggressive cry for help, most of us use it as a way to personally “market” ourselves to friends and relatives. We put on a "social media facade" in order to display to everyone that we’ve ever encountered that we've actually obtained the "dream life". Many would post pictures of their perfect relationships, houses, children, accolades, and all of the other successes that they had in their life. Then, after running into mutual acquaintances, you begin to learn that those same people were in the middle of a divorce, losing their house, and are splitting the children within viewing days and times. You learn their accolades were phony or not even close to the level that was conveyed.  That's when you begin to realize that using social media, you are able to create an image of an individual and have it be 180 degrees different than what is actually reality. Hillary Clinton and her campaign strategists, as well as the news media, understand this well. It defines the methodology that they currently employ.

     Hillary Clinton has a difficult time connecting, which is mostly due to her lack of likability and sincerity. The media shrouds her acidic personality, which is rarely displayed to the public at large. The need for controlling her image is important to be able to persevere into the democratic primaries. She employs social media to field questions and provide her stances on issues. So, she must mold and fabricate another separate entity, one that cackles with ear grating laughter and portrays her as America's, maternal "Grandmother". This leads us to the current method by which Hillary and her campaign strategists have decided to conduct her campaign. Image control is the reason for announcing her Presidency via internet video, which was deployed on YouTube and then shared on Twitter. It also explains that when the initial video campaign kickoff didn’t catapult her campaign upon its release, they’ve resorted to rebooting the campaign on two additional occasions. Hillary 2016 4.0. What’s somewhat disturbing is her claims of a lack of technological prowess in the wake of her ‘Private Server” scandal. On one hand, she plays dumb with all of the "new fangled" technology at her disposal. On the other hand, she is meticulously building an alternate image of her “brand” and personality, all while maintaining a command and control presence ONLINE! She's doing it all through the use of TECHNOLOGY! She can manipulate her online persona, as well as her interaction with potential voters. They’ve applied this approach in the real world as well. When general public interaction is possible, there's no engagement with actual citizens. Those whom are considered “the general public” are actually hired operatives, with cameras set to roll in order to film the ensuing love fest. It explains why there has been cherry-picked reporters and preferred news outlets that will prop up this perfect image, in order for it to be controlled and massaged. It’s also one of the main reasons that the social media virtual reality approach has a heavy focus. News/entertainment media bias heavily aids in setting the tone with the public of both sides of the political aisle. It’s why one Presidential candidate will get coverage playing a Saxophone, Singing R&B, or flipping flapjacks on Late Night Talks Shows and early morning news programs and other candidates receive blistering, constant criticism and condemnation. If you are affiliated with the right particular political party, you will have cameos on Sketch Comedy Shows & Hipster Blog/Podcasts. Massaging propaganda is more effective and less painstaking in a social media forum than strictly coordinating all of the components necessary to achieve this goal with traditional news/entertainment media. The main goal, ultimately, is to use either of these methods to control your image while infecting the culture. This is usually in an attempt to paint a portrait of a candidate that may not be completely in line with their actual personality.

   Fortunately, the Republican field of candidates offers a contrast and an amazing juxtaposition to Hillary’s approach, which is utterly stunning. With a field of contenders simultaneously echoing a message of self-reliance and small government many years into an age of rapidly growing government encroachment, it begins to show a stark difference that is truly refreshing. With their hearts on their sleeves and without the aid of large teleprompters, these candidates are “bullhorning” their messages almost in unison. Many of those listening to their offerings would’ve been too young to remember the sound of a leader who could speak with conviction and vision. Others will be able to remember the days of well-spoken and thoughtful leadership and be reminded as to how much we’ve missed that sound. Some, like myself, will have been at their wits end and feel a sense of relief from the sounds emanating from the collective of freedom fighting candidates. A “Read Through” styled, virtual reality campaign will have a TREMENDOUS struggle of immeasurable proportions in order to match those who are actually speaking from the heart. Along with the candidate anchoring email/classified information scandals currently affecting Hillary’s campaign, this public disconnection will be another “Achilles heel” derailing her coronation march. It could be the undoing of her self-proclaimed, quasi-“Queen of America”/”Political Outsider” duality, which currently defines her self-absorbed, politically obsessed candidacy. Many democrat presidential "investors" may be uncomfortable or even afraid of sacrificing their R.O.I., even with the “Insurance Policy” of inevitability that is currently being pitched by the mainstream news media and the Clinton crime family campaign camp. Time will certainly tell.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome to the Sanger Baby Parts Chop Shop & Sauna Massage Spa...Planned Butcherhood

    Can we make a "Christopher Reeves" fly again? Can we save Alex P. Keaton from the withering effects of Parkinson's disease?  We, as intellectual beings, are continually trying to crack the code in the field of medicine. Can we find a cure for cancer? We defeated polio and even eliminated smallpox. Certainly, we should be able to come up with a solution to eradicate many of these other deadly diseases? What about Alzheimer's or Dementia? Many have sought out new methods and traveled down new avenues with the hope of defeating these diseases. Some have looked towards "Out of the box" methods of thinking for accomplishing this mission. Experimental methods, such as using stem cells for research as being a possible route towards a cure, have opened the doors to the realms of possibility. But we now find ourselves approaching a moral dilemma. The ethical line to establish a boundary between how to approach a medical cure for some of the most serious diseases of our time and what can actually be utilized to achieve this goal is pushing us to an impasse. It is something that must be handled and rooted in some sense of morality. But have we, as a nation, lost our morality and ethical standing in favor of propping up an ideological viewpoint.
   Stem cell research has always been touted as a new frontier for medical science (By the way, be aware that the term "Science" also doubles as a code word by Atheists as their ruling "God"...which means they do acknowledge SOME higher power. But that's an argument for another day. For the sake of this tirade, it will encompass both meanings). How do you effectively obtain the stem cells? Through donated tissue? Who would donate these cells? Would it be from consenting adults, wanting to donate to "Science"? Or will it be from recycling remaining body parts and organs of aborted babies? Sounds barbaric, doesn't it? Sadly, this practice has been uncovered as a regular method of maximizing the recyclable yield of a "Sacrificed" aborted "Growth tissue, thingy". It's downright sinister and despicable.

   When the arguments first began on the subject of "fetal" stem cell tissue's possibility of being an effective tool for use in medical research, it was framed in the media as a new world with endless benefits. To me, this was a very disturbing statement. When I was first made aware of this idea, I began to make the case that we are about to embark upon a new ECONOMIC frontier. It is opening the door to building a new market. A market built upon demand that must now being fulfilled. You must ask yourself, "How do you feel that the demand of this new market is now looking to be filled with baby parts"? How would you make the supply side meet demand? According to Planned Parenthood, you do so by taking aborted babies and using their parts! You even try and make it more palatable by giving it a "Sauna Spa Like" air of ambiance. And as you harvest the baby parts while the former mother sips hot tea in a robe, hopefully, you'll take a cut enough to purchase a modern luxury muscle sports car in exchange for 6 month old livers and hearts. Apparently, this is a practice that's been going on for years! The heart, liver, and the kidney...all the things that are involved with this "tissue growth" are now a part of the Stem Express stem cell tissue research company's inventory. The procedures are conducted in "less crunchy" ways to preserve the valuable "inventory" in order to obtain maximized utilization. In fact, many of these organs are now pre-ordered, with the objective of extracting a fetus in a manner as to ensure they are not damaged and intact being “baked in” to the procedure, just as the costs are “baked into” the purchasing order. They can be haggled over to cover these "costs", all while the harvesters are fainting as they are identifying and extracting fetal organs. The harvesters are being told, "You'll probably never get used to this". And you shouldn't. It's a telling statement that underscores the brutality and callousness required to perform this chore. They’ve even eluded to the possibility that if a baby was scheduled for the abortion actually arrives "via stork delivery" earlier than expected, it can be put down like a sick dalmatian and will be added to the inventory of butchery. This void of ethics and morality cannot be understated and should be applied to every other component of their actions in every aspect of their daily lives. Character DOES matter.

    God DOES work in mysterious ways. Much like the "on camera", unexpected response to the removal of God from the DNC Presidential Convention Platform, where Gods inclusion was booed by them 3 times, we are being given a window into the soul of the progressive movement's core. In contrast, the crux of any conservative's guidance is the divine morality that we look towards in order to govern us as we govern ourselves, or if elected, use to govern the electorate.  The progressive movement have remove GOD and divine morality, and in turn, have placed their own authority in a station of supremacy. In doing so, they have dismantled their moral compass and have lend themselves to become butchers, thieves, and authoritative demigods. They are ultimate authority, judge, and jury. Why are they above scrutiny? Why are they in a special class?How are they able to decide who lives, how they live, and how they'll die? These are typical questions that arise when pondering progressive ideology. The real question should be, "What are our values?" Ask yourself this question and then choose which side you wish to be on. My choice is Life and Freedom. What's yours?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Wonder what an Obama Farewell Address would sound like? Look through the eyes of the 2009 Inaugural Speech

Taking the 2009 Inaugural Speech, we've edited it to a current day perspective:

 "My loyal servants: I stand here today marveled by the ruse before us, grateful for the naivety you have bestowed, mindful of the injustices borne by our ancestors.

I blame President Bush for his disservice to our nation...continually


... as well as the animosity and disrespect we have shown throughout his administration.

Forty-four Americans once took the presidential oath.

The facts have been spun eluding to rising tides of prosperity and have made way to the chilled reality that displays that it has finally ceased. Yet, so often the oath is faked amidst gathering illegal immigrants and raging terrorists. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of We the People that have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and true to our founding documents…which I simply turn my back upon, but because of those in high office.

So it has been in third world nations. So it must be willed against this generation of Americans.

That we are in the midst of conducting a constitutional crisis, because it is a document that is well misunderstood. Our Administration is at war against a far-reaching social networks of differing opinion and dissent. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of our failed policies and irresponsibility on the part of us, but also our collective failure to make hard choices of submitting our sovereignty over to the New World Order of a new age.

Homes have been lost, jobs shed, and businesses shuttered...kudos to us! Our national health care is now too costly, our schools haven’t failed enough by forcing a common core curriculum, and each day brings further evidence that the ways we suppress fossil fuel energy strengthen our adversaries, while not affecting our planet.

These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics...which have been cooked and rigged. Less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of trust in leadership across our land; a nagging reality that America's decline is inevitable, that the next generation is forced (by us) to lower its sights.

Today I say to you that the constitution we ignore was real, we are serious and we are now in charge. We will not be beat easily or in a short span of time. But know this America: We are in charge.


On this day, we gather because I have chosen a pen and a phone over the rule of law, our unity of purpose over justice and rights.

On this day, I come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances you have with government expansion and false premise of liberty,  the recriminations and worn-out dogmas of liberty that for far too long have strangled our socialist cause.

We remain a young regime, but in the words of Quran…I mean, Scriptures that I have taken out of biblical context: the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring agenda; to choose our revised history; to carry forward that precious lie, that feeble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the Allah-given promise that men are equal, only men are free, and only they deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness under sharia law.


In reaffirming the oppression of our nation, we understand that our imperialism was never a given. It was earned. Our journey has been one of shortcuts and of stealing from indigenous people and those with much less.

It has been the path for the shallow-hearted, for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame.

It hasn't been the so called risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things, because they didn't build it -- but more often men and women obscure in their government subservient labor -- who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards progressiveism and socialism

For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of new lives in which they could oppress. For us, they forced natives into sweatshops and robbed the West, inflicting the lash of the whip upon their slaves and plundered the natives hard earth.
For us, they fought and killed innocents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore; Iraq and Afghanistan.

Time and again these men struggled against minorities and women, sacrificed blacks and forced them to work in their fields till their hands were raw so that they might live a posh life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of other individual nations as; more entitled than all the differences of colored race or gender.

This is the mission we continue today. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth...which must be stopped…by us. Our workers are now less productive since this crisis began. Our minds are less inventive (due to lack of incentive), our goods and services now less needed than they were last week or last month or last year, in part due to unemployment. Our capacity remains diminished. But our time of standing tall has ended, now we protect narrow interests and forcing unpopular, unpleasant decisions -- that time has surely come.

Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America into the socialist utopia that we wield it to become!


For everywhere we look, there is no work to be done.

The state of our economy calls for government action: bold and swift. And we will act not only to create new agencies but to lay a new grave for growth.
We will funnel money into projects that say they are building the roads and bridges, leave electric grids unprotected and spy on digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.
We will restore consensus in place of science to its rightful place and exploit technology's wonders to ruin the ability to enroll in health care's quality...


... and increase its costs…and your deductible.

We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to funnel money to our fabricated business models and pretend factories. And we will transform that money into donations to meet the demands of an enlarged party, robust due to millions of instantly crowned Hispanic citizens
All this we can do. All this we will it or not.

Now, there are some who question the lawful authority of our ambitions, who suggest that our National health care system cannot tolerate too many plans. Their remarks are shortsighted, for they have no idea what a pathway to single payer plan will accomplish, what once free men and women will be forced to purchase…when imagination of a subservient community is joined to common purpose of worshiping at the governments feet.

What the free citizens fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them, that the stale political arguments for liberty that have consumed us for so long, no longer apply.
The question we ask today is why is our government too small? Whether it works, or not, it will help business to force jobs to pay a higher minimum wage, which they now cannot afford, a retirement that is extinguished.

Where the answer is yes, we intend to lean forward. Where the answer is no, more programs will begin.

And those of us who print the public's dollars will be held to account, to print quickly, form bad habits, and do our business behind closed doors, because only then can we restore the vital subservience of a people to their government.

Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good...because it’s not! Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unfair.

But this created crisis has demanded that we require a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control, if we clinch it and spin it with our claws. The Government cannot prosper long, unless we officials favor only the prosperous, and then they favor us in return

The success of our economy has always depended not just on the size of our gross domestic product, which is currently nonexistent, but on the reach of our authority; on the ability to extend governance to every willing and unwilling heart -- not out of charity because we have effectively diminished that with government controlled welfare, but because it is the surest route to our greater good. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


As for our missing defense, we reject as false the choice for our safety and our ideals.
Our founding fathers faced with perils that we can redefine and vilify in our nations academies of higher learning, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man as well as being a stumbling block for my executive orders, a charter we defiled that was expanded by the blood of generations…no biggie.

Those ideals still light the world, and we must extinguish them at an expeditious pace.
And so, to all other peoples and governments who are watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father and his communist ideology was born: know that America is going to emulate each third world nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity will no longer have the opportunity to do so, and we are ready to lead from behind for the historic first time.


Recall that our generation embraced sound fascism and communism not with missiles and tanks, but with the flimsy elections and enduring activists.

We understood that our power alone was problematic, and entitled us to do as we please. Instead, we know that our power should shrink through its prudent use of overreaching legislation and executive agencies. Our security dissipates from the emptiness of our cause; the ridicule of our new example; the tempering qualities of disengagement and unreasonable restraint.

We are the trailblazers of a new legacy, guided by none of our principles anymore, we can meet those new threats that we've created with quick military exits and newly formed power vacuums that demand even greater effort, which we invite someone else to provide, and even greater cooperation with our enemies and understanding between terrorist nations. We'll begin to quickly leave Iraq to its enemies and forge a hard- earned demise in Afghanistan.

With old friends that we betray and former foes that we submit to, we'll work tirelessly to heighten the nuclear threat and roll back the specter that is uncovering the “warming planet” ulterior agenda.

We will apologize for our way of life. We will waver in its defense.

And for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that, "Our spirit is no longer and is currently broken. You can outlast us, eventually, we will leave you alone."


For we know that our patchwork heritage can be exploited for weakness.
We are not a nation of Christians, but we should be one that is Muslims in its foundation, Jews …you’re on your own. And nonbelievers, we REALLY love you the most. We are shaped by every language and culture without assimilation, drawn from every end of this Earth in search of a new voting underclass.

And because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but reignite the old hatreds so that someday internal division will ensue; that the lines of tribe will be magnified; that as the world grows smaller, our divided community shall reveal itself; and that America will play its role in ushering in a new Global One World Government.

To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.
To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict or blame their society's ills on the West, know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.
To those...


To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you will be handsomely rewarded if you are on the right side politically, and that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist, take your finances and give a substantial portion to us.


To the people of poor nations, we pledge to diminish our prosperity and equalize our stature alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow while over regulating ours; to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds with SNAP cards and free cellphones similar to how we  coddle our jobless population that our polices created.
And to those nations like ours that exploit and waste relative plenty, we say we can no longer can afford to police the indifference of the suffering outside our borders, nor can we over consume the world's resources without being punished by me to that effect. For the world has changed, and we must be fundamentally changed with it.

As we consider the road that unfolds before us, THAT YOU DIDN'T BUILD, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, toil in the nation’s capital’s offices and distant federal agencies. They have something to tell us, just as the fallen gentle giants who lie in Ferguson whisper through the ages.

We honor them not only because they are guardians of our bureaucracy, but because they embody the spirit of self-service: a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves…me.

And yet, at this moment, a moment that will define a generation, it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all.

For as much as government shouldn't do and will now be sure it must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which we must break and defile.
It is the ludicrousness of blaming a sitting president when the levees break; the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours for national healthcare requirements than see an owner lose their business which sees us through as our tax revenue sours.

It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to allow the government and the schools to nurture their child, that finally decides our fate.

Our challenges may be new, the instruments with which we meet them may be new, but those values upon which our success depends, dishonesty and discouragement,  and fair play as defined by us, tolerance and subservience, loyalty to the regime and socialism -- these things are old.

These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progressives throughout our history.
What is demanded then is a return to these mistruths. What is required of us now is a new era of government responsibility -- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ours leaders, our nation and the world, in which we will submit our national sovereignty, liberties that we do not grudgingly reject but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the leadership, so defining of our character than giving our all to the government as a mandated task.

This is the cost and the requirement of citizenship.

This is the source of our confidence: the knowledge that Government calls on us to shape a subservient destiny.

This is the meaning of our servitude and our devotion, why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall that wasn’t built by the businesses that reside there.  And why a man whose father less than 60 years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath, and abuse his race to silence dissent.


So let us mark this day in remembrance of who we are and how far we have plundered and stole.
In the year of America's birth, in the coldest of months, a small band of evil occupiers huddled by dying campfires on the shores of an icy river.

The capital was abandoned. The natives were advancing. The snow was stained with their blood.
At a moment when the outcome of our invasion was most in doubt, the father of our evil nation ordered these words be read to the people:

"Let it be hid and ignored from the future world that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it, because this would evoke actual patriotism.”
America, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words; with hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come…especially the storms that we will create to reshape the original founding; let it be forgotten by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let history be accurately told of this journey end, that we turned our back, we faltered; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and Allah's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to the deepest grave in existence.

Thank you. Allah Akbar."


Friday, April 17, 2015

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen? Not if they’re cooking the same entree! Let’s pack the 2016 Primaries!!

The primary season is upon us, Ladies and Gents. Many will step up to declare their desire to lead. Many will try to enunciate the case as to why they are fit to steer this great ship. Some will seek the position for its ancillary benefits: fame, historical footprint, or even the end game of financial gain from giving speeches after serving at least a full term (a precedent crafted by "Mr. Integrity", William Jefferson Clinton, I might add). The intentions of others will be to view a quest to lead from a place of duty and servitude. Regardless of the desires of the many potential candidates, the vetting now begins! The battleground is being set. Numerous "fisticuffs" will be thrown in debates, all focused on fleshing out contenders in the "ring" of ideology, round after round. This time around, it will be bigger than just a two sided war. It will not only be a war between Left and Right. For some candidates, they will have to fight two battles at the same time and spread their energy thinner than most. This war will include an internal battle that will consist of an unexpected, tectonic plate shift to occur within the Republican Party.  It will be an Establishment vs. "The Outsiders" struggle. The designated moniker of the so called "Electable" (as dubbed by imperial, establishment agents) will spar against the novice "every-man" defenders of freedom and liberty. Ultimately, an argument against an “overcrowded” candidate pool will begin to be formulated. But to the contrary, a giant pool of conservative candidates will bring about an amazingly beneficial and unintended consequence. An “overcrowded” primary will allow for the change in perception of conservatism, re-branding of the conservative viewpoint, and an ideological beat-down of the Republican “RINO” establishment movement within the party.  

Kim Kardashian wanted to "Break the Internet" by showing her ginormous, naked Gluteus Maximus. Conservatives have a similar opportunity to "Break the Republican Stereotype", by showing their naked core assets of principles and values. They have a platform to show ACTUAL transparency in their beliefs. Contrary to popular belief, Conservatives do not focus on race or even gender. Ironically, their diversity actually eclipses that of the Democrat's "surface and shallow" claims of cornering the market on diversity. The left is fixated on historical firsts over actual substance. Conversely, Conservatives desire nothing BUT complete substance in their viewpoints. They now have a diverse group of backgrounds all declaring substantive viewpoints. They are all shouting the exact same message, one of individual liberty and the greatness of the individual human spirit. The party of “old white guys” does not exist. It may have, at one point, within the “RINO’ establishment. But within the Tea Party Conservatives, all genders and races are welcomed. With Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio’s Hispanic lineage, Ben Carson’s black background and heritage, and even Carly Fiorina’s female gender ACTIVELY SHOWS that diversity is welcomed within the movement. But those are shallow, surface based “qualifications” that shouldn't have any bearing on ideology and policy. The ideas that they present are all of a similar strain. This “Conservative Collective” will have a profound effect on the perceptions of conservatism with the uninformed public at large.

Conservatives now have an opening in which they can re-brand their viewpoint. They can even supersede the delivery of core values to a level even more pronounced than President Reagan could have ever accomplish. A collection of "Conservative Town Criers" now have the ability to decimate the traditional Main Stream Media’s extortion and control over the story and information. The "Filibustering class", as I like to call them, that have all “Frisbee-d” their hats into the race, will now be able to unify the Tea Party Conservative message of values and principles. They can accomplish this while thrusting their message into the main stream limelight. Never have conservatives had so many candidates fighting for freedom, liberty, and “true conservatism”...all a part of an upcoming campaign. In doing so, they have an opportunity to have ideas united and proclaimed above the scrutiny of the "News Media". Keep in mind, the News Media will take every opportunity to demonize each candidate with shallow attacks, hoping that the uninformed public will soak up as fact and mimic the talking bullet points at the water cooler with coworkers in the morning. The media will go on and on, complaining about proper interviewing etiquette that should be maintained with female journalists, Dog carriers on tops of cars, and the amount of money a Governor would've paid for a thrift shop shirt. All of that can now be beaten by a collection of conservatives, declaring a unifying message through the primary bullhorn. Small government, liberty, and freedom are the foundations of their argument and should stand on its own regardless of color, creed, or gender. 

Unfortunately, the "Filibustering class" will not be able to sashay their way to the nomination of the Republican Party. They will not have an easy time pole vaulting above the “Republican in name only (RINO)” pachyderms. But RINOS are beatable.  One case in particular was the shot heard around the party. The defeat of House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor. Keep in mind, Mr. Cantor didn't start out being a RINO. He CLAIMED he was a Tea Party Conservative. But during the birth and groundswell of the movement, many tried to capitalize the Tea Party rumblings on its energy alone. Ultimately, the Washington machine clutched Mr. Cantor's principles and ideas and crushed them into a lobbyist infused powder. He used that powder to cement his place as the House Majority Leader. Someone of that stature and position should have never lost to a virtual unknown. But it happened. And it was completely based on principles and values of the message. Those of a Conservative angle. This was the initial skirmish in the internal war within the Republican Party. Not all battles have been won, but not all of those that have been fought were done so with honesty, integrity, and actual merit. What we are witnessing in the current primary season is a “D-Day” of sorts. Candidates are storming the shores of the party. Their message is unified and resonating. Even if they don’t secure the nomination, the difference of viewpoint between conservatives and establishment RINO’s will be widely known. This could be the ripple effect to build the wave to wash the party clean of financial corruption and compromised values.

A new day is peaking over the horizon. It’s been growing for years, all while being demonized and even weathering an effort to be re-branded by those whom despise it. In an age where freedoms are being squashed, values are being crushed, and privacy is being compromised, a longing by the disenfranchised American to return to controlling their own destiny will occur. When this aligns with the conservative message, it will connect with those disillusioned citizens in a revolutionary way. While the media will "pick and pull" its choices for candidates to smear, the unifying message being delivered from the heart and prompter-free, will have the ability to overcome the media stronghold. The free swapping and sharing of information through the social media channels, that previously were not a political factor, will aid in the education of the conservative message and its massive spread. So, fill the field! Bring on the candidates! Reinvigorate a party that SHOULD stand for the individual and not the party interest!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Virtual Insanity, the false reality - The media's mission to ruin information and kill opposition

Over the next two years, an interesting reality will be meticulously constructed. It will be a media “virtual reality”. Mainstream news outlets and social media will formulate this reality with the combination of television, print, web media, and entertainment culture. They will be in lockstep with each other and mimic the exact same viewpoints. They will parrot the same phrases, same ideas, and the same angles. They will include talking head “experts” interviewed by “journalist” that are essentially the same players of the same team, in order to fortify these identical viewpoints. They will prey on the gullibility and naivety of the public to not be able put two and two together. They will hope the public has forgotten history and facts of yesterday, or is too young to be aware of either of these, to engage in blatant hypocrisy. Although this has been standard practice for DECADES, the next two years will see a magnification of this methodology in order to destroy the opposition elevated to a level that we've never even imagined.

They approach propaganda in two ways: domestic staging and foreign disconnection. With domestic staging, the media will fabricate a virtual reality that doesn't actually exist. Through foreign disconnection, misinformation will be facilitated through the reporting of details regarding foreign affairs without connecting any of the dots. Each method is utilized to cause ignorance of actual facts. An example of this globally would be the current situation in Yemen. While we currently negotiate with Iran over the possibility of allowing them nuclear power, we fail to realize who is actually involved in this Yemenis takeover. When the news reports that “Shia militants are responsible for the destabilization of Iran”, we are supposed to take that statement at face value, without any scrutiny. They don’t actually indicate their affiliations. They don’t indicate to the public the details of that story and how it intimately relates to other news stories. They fail to mention that the Shia Muslim population is the minority in the Muslim community, with the Sunni Muslims being the majority. Additionally, they would be shocked to understand that the majority of the Iranian population is Shia Muslim. The Houthis, which are a sect within Shia Muslim community, are ultimately responsible for the destabilization of Yemen. Once you realize Iran is financially and militarily backing the Houthis in their takeover of Yemen, you start to put the pieces together.  In turn you would realize that Iran, through proxy, is actually responsible for the destabilization of Yemen. All while we are trying to allow them to become a nuclear power. The media, in its quest to carry the water for the Left, fail to connect those dots for their uninformed viewers.

Domestically, they stage and develop a false world through their combined media strength. Although Fox news is cited as having the most ratings, the combination of media outlets together actually casts a larger net with a larger reach.  The endgame of this expansive marketing campaign is to brand the entire opposition viewpoint as evil, and delegitimize its constitutionally protected rebuttal. They demonize them on every possible negative angle. They draw these pictures of them in this light, in order to paint a picture in the mind of the public. They will build a “crisis” and create a “virtual reality” that flies in the face of actual life. You can cite examples, such as the so-called recent surge in racial profiling by police of “unarmed Black teenagers”. They will edit 911 phone calls and display pictures of the deceased, by using photos of them when they were 8 years old as opposed to their actual age. They will continually hammer “hearsay” as truth. They will create Twitter hashtag trend phrases, which be flashed over and over on your television screen during an MTV multi-hour concert event for “awareness”. TMZ will interview the celebrities that will be accepting their narcissistic, pat-on-the-back award (for a performance in a movie that hasn't been viewed or even released yet) to which they will parrot talking points during their acceptance speeches, pushing the media narrative in lieu of just saying, “THANK YOU”. They’ll repeat the lie enough times and for long enough for most people to take it as actual truth. In doing so, they will incite protests and riots that will destroy communities, ruin local businesses, and even costs some their lives. Just as they have with “the war on women” and the so-called “discrimination” of the LGBT community, they've built a world that is NOT the reality to which you reside within every day. 

A small example of this ploy is the current RFRA law uproar in Indiana. The mere fact that an ABC “journalist” by the name of George Stephanopoulos, who was actually a former ADVISER and “War Room soldier” for President Clinton, was the main culprit in the skewering of the current Governor of Indiana over this recent law. President Bill Clinton signed the original, federal version of this law in 1993. Due to Mr. Stephanopoulos’ active involvement in strategic advisement of the decisions made by President Clinton, it’s safe to surmise that he had a working knowledge of this original law and its possible implications to the Clinton legacy and public perceptions. But to play on the naivety of the young and the uninformed, he pretends to be an “objective journalist” while asking the questions that support a media narrative as it requires. This aids to laying the foundation of an argument in order to paint the opposition viewpoint as founded in "discriminatory bigotry", which would effectively silence and kill the other sides point of view. The left then plays the interview on every media platform. Social media begins to immediately go berserk, with fake accounts that troll and parrot the arguments. Other political contenders, not remotely involved, will be pinned as similar culprits of these purveyors of "injustice". The mission is waged with the Left's desire of winning their political positions placed ahead of the interest of the people they wish to rule over...where the ends of their lies and deceit justify the means of their wants and desires.

The ultimate result is an extremely uninformed and politically dangerous public. It leads to the interviews with the young college kids at Daytona Spring break, who are 10 fireball shots deep and swaying like a field of wheat in a Nor'easter being asked, “What do you think about a bakery not baking a wedding cake for a gay couple?” To which they will respond with, “Like, that’s SO MEAN and NOT COOL…and like, they should make a cake for them and, like, not be so mean. LET’S DO SHOTS!!” They will spout out ignorant responses, all rooted in the misinformation they've received, sounding identical to the vapid talking points they've been soaking up through media osmosis. So, we are at an information crossroads. We have a choice. We can either chase the roadrunner up the road, in order to seek and find the truth. OR, we can stand here and get hit with the "Anvil of stupidity" filled with media lies. More and more people are thirsting for actual truth. They can find it, if they actually search for it (unless the federal government forces Net Neutrality, wiping the opposition's content clean in the name of streaming “Orange is the New Black” in high speed bandwidth). The market demand will be fulfilled for those seeking truth. The media, in all of its arrogance, will sacrifice its ratings and integrity in order to continue furthering the cause. But the outcome could be in favor of the truth seekers. Technology allows a leg up over the media narrative. But be sure to be prepared for the 2 year, left-winged media saturation of misinformation. Continue to seek the truth…while it’s available and "free".

Monday, March 16, 2015

You wanted to keep your plan. And you COULD...unless it needed adjustment to be economically viable. The Unintended Consequences of Government intervention

 Unintended consequences. The ripple effect in the water that will become a churning, giant tsunami wave crashing on distant shores. The tremors building and rumbling into an eventual 9.5 Richter earthquake, resulting in the shock waves weeks thereafter. The argument with the spouse that leads to a small remark that you wish you could take back. You had "no idea" that would be taken that way! But it is interpreted in ways you'd never foreseen! The butterfly effect. Unintended consequences can be extremely detrimental to the individual with regard to Government intervention. Markets and personal liberties can be rattled, indirectly, by the unintended consequences of their actions. Many examples can be cited throughout history. One example in particular is one that is fresh in the news, as well as in our everyday lives.

  Governmental intervention and its unintended consequences can be exemplified through the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. EVERYONE needs healthcare coverage, don't they? What could go wrong with creating a national healthcare plan? You may already HAVE insurance. Why not help those that are unable to do so? Sounds fair, doesn't it? And you LOVE your plan! That’s why you most likely spent an entire day fleshing out “your plan” in a mind numbing meeting. You spent hours with insurance representatives, agonizing over the options, to which you found the perfect, little combination of benefits that complimented you and your family. You wanted to keep "your plan"! And they ensured within the law itself that you COULD keep your long as it wasn't adjusted! It was considered grandfathered, as long as no changes were made to your plan. Any sort of adjustment that did not comply with the affordable care act was canceled by law. Examples abound within the “News” cycles and stories. In Colorado, plans that have adjusted to the economic demands of the Affordable Healthcare Act are currently being discontinued. Maybe it was due to that fact they can’t handle the new economic strain? Maybe, they've moved to an economically viable solution to forge the business's "going concern", as they strive to meet new demands from the consequences of being compliant to the A.C.A?

   There is an interesting, “perfect storm” that occurs when an existing plan adjusts its benefits to weather the new, excrement storm that looms over the horizon. It loses its “grandfathered status”. That plan is no longer under the definition of a “grandfathered plan”. It is also no longer under the definition of “your plan”. You lose “your plan”. A grandfathered plan is a health plan in force on March 23, 2010. It can continue to be an exempt plan if it follows certain requirements, to maintain the grandfathered status. Some of the requirements that would cause the loss of grandfathered status include: Eliminating benefits, increasing a participants’ percentage cost-sharing requirement, certain reductions in employer or employee organization contributions rates, annual benefit limits that are changed. A provision in the law states that when your plan did not comply with the requirements, that it was no longer grandfathered. Once canceled, you were required to be issued a written notice. This notice was to explain all of the reasons for the cancellation, along with the fact that you’ll need to procure another plan. In a perfect world, your ORIGINAL plan was grandfathered. The unintended consequences of government intervention at work. Market forces, due to this law, caused a situation that lead to almost every plan to be re-calibrated in order to cover the new cost and the new expenses. Being forced to cover people that already had conditions that would not allow them to receive insurance, which required paying TONS of additional medical expenses, caused plan adjustments to occur. And that's when your pretty, little plan was “shocked to death” and you received a nice little “Dear John” letter from your provider in the mail. But government didn't really consider those consequences, and to what extent those consequential results would eventually lead (Or DID they…that’s another topic, for another day). We now have to pay for the intervention of their “intentions”.

   Ultimately, when the government intercedes, you get the ripples from the consequences of their actions. The butterfly effect from the flapping of their political “wings” leads to a national disaster that will cause years of strife and a “Trail of Tears”. A politician’s status of being “needed”, which in turn defines them as elite, means that they are throwing YOU the bone. They’ll be fine on their politically crafted, Cadillac Plans that you or I will never have the opportunity to enjoy.  It is you and I that will be continually burned by the “Unintended Consequences” of their actions. Unless we realize the REAL roles that are to be restored. WE vote them into office. THEY are public servants that should engage in that thing we call “representation”. We need to demand a return to the definition of a Representative “We, The People”. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

And now, My moment of Zen...Stewart's Out, Future Secure. Here's why...

   There an interesting phenomenon that continually occurs within the Media world and the progressive left. If you have views and opinions that stand against progressive ideology, you are the enemy. You are attacked for having them. Pummeled into powder, based upon your viewpoint. You will be laughed at, branded as an extremist kook, and then tarred and feathered. They will set out to silence you based upon your "intolerance", regardless of your right to free speech. They will even make up stories about you, with lies built upon complete fabrications in order to place doubt upon the minds of the unwitting. On top of all of that, they will then REPEAT the lies in a similar, or even verbatim fashion through every mouth piece and media outlet available to them. Of course, if everyone is saying it, it must be true! And if everyone says it enough times in a row the same way, then it becomes actual FACT!
   An interesting juxtaposition is those with a complicit view of Progressivism. These individuals are revered and placed upon pedestals. They are given accolades that are created solely to provide the perception of legitimacy and credibility, much like a major motion picture receiving the Best Picture award when it hasn't even been screened in the theater. They are provided with high positions of influence and power due to their subservience to the cause. As is the case for those such as Katie Couric or Rosie O'Donnell, failure in the ratings department oddly never costs you your job. To the contrary, you will be provided MANY chances to fail with similar results (which is actually the definition of insanity, by the way). You may even be promoted to even higher positions in the world of media. The end goal is to make it stick with the public. To underestimate the general public's intelligence. To assume that if the public sees the good little progressive operative elevated and promoted, it will be assumed that the good little progressive operative is more astute than we are to actually believe. And we, the peons that are not famous, would blindly accept this premise and follow the lead of bolstering the fabricated prominence of a failed talent being gifted opportunity after opportunity with no means of measurable success.

   The Daily Show on Comedy Central is an evolutionary journey into “Inside baseball” media fandom. The media's obsession with it may be related to the satire of the field in which they operate. It began as an apolitical, satirical show with an endearingly arrogant host, Craig Kilborn. I personally followed the Daily Show from its beginnings. When they mention the current target age group, they indicate my exact age to the year! Being a young conservative, but one with a sense of humor as well as a thick skin, I was able to laugh even while my views were the target of its jokes. The Daily Show began in 1996, with reporters such as A Whitney Brown. Mr. Brown once interviewed a cult that believed a spaceship would descend upon earth to abduct its followers and cart them off to another planet in the form of it's rapture. He was told that the planet of destination was located in Pleiadian cluster, to which he asked, “The Pleidan Cluster…is that made of Nougat”? The show didn't strive to take one particular political side. Instead, it bashed both sides of the political spectrum equally. Craig Kilborn’s “5 Questions” along with staples like “Moment for Us” (where he arrogantly and awkwardly hit on the female guests on his show with a pseudo romantic setting) and, of course the coup de grace which was “The Moment of Zen”, made for a show filled with laughs while poking at the current news of the day.

   When Craig Kilborn exited the show, Jon Stewart was tapped to take the lead. Initially, his start was slightly awkward and he was grasping to fit his style into the template of what has been the show’s format. Over time, being the comedic powerhouse Mr. Stewart is, he was able to comfortably fill the role. He also began to appear on various talk shows, where at one point his unabashed and no holds barred candor came to light. The conflict of Mr. Stewart's transparent disdain for the news media even led to a verbal beat down of host Tucker Carlson on CNN. It was at this point that the progressive media began to take note of The Daily Show. Awards began to be given to the show for its ratings and creativity. The media fascination grew even fonder. And like that “underground band” that you held onto so dear, you began to seethe over the new found attention by the media elite. They began to reference and court the show like the fan-boys and girls they've become.  The new found attention was fine in the beginning, as Mr. Stewart didn't seem to be affected by it and stayed true to the focus of the shows content. But, eventually he succumbed to the adulation of the national mainstream media. Presidential Endorsements by Mr. Stewart were given extreme amounts of weight. He began to be offered hosting positions for many industry award shows. He had finally given in to the sickening adulation of the news reporters and journalists in the industry.

   At this point, along with myself, the core fan base began to wane and fall by the wayside. The show still had high ratings, but many long time fans were replaced with a different kind of audience. The show began to head towards a Progressive media format, where elevation and hype is given as a reward for the "battle points" it scores against libertarian and conservative viewpoints. The show began to take itself a bit too seriously. And as the progressive slide picked up steam, the unabashed vitriol against the right continued. When many people began to reference it as a news resource, it was at that point that it began to slowly die. But, occasionally, they opened the other side to scrutiny and parody. More often than not, they've become a former shell of itself, similar to Saturday Night Live (SNL). SNL flat out ignored gaffes by the left that wrote skits themselves, only to spend their energy on parodying the right and losing its comedic value in the process. The show sacrificed its core (comedy) for the cause. This left many thinking, “When will this get funny?” While The Daily Show did keep much of its humor, it was at times uncomfortable to watch. Similar to a comic picking on a child with Down syndrome.  

   The exit strategy for Mr. Stewart is clear. The sky is the limit for him. Years of carrying the water for the left will open every door they’re in charge of locking and unlocking. His reward for pushing the narrative will be the "Brink’s truck of cash" of any amount, dumped into his lap. This was the case with NBC’s proposal for a position with “Meet the Press”. With the concept of the Nightly News being an irrelevant animal, NBC is well aware of a need for a change. A pivot into this brave new world is a possibility that they may need to explore. So it should be of little shock to everyone if we see Mr. Stewart manning a Nightly News Chair soon. In fact, at the moment, I hear there’s one available. And you don't even have to be truthful to man that station. Good night, Mr. Stewart. And good luck.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My Apologies, even though Libs are hypocrites, we still love you (inspired by my Whole Foods Adventure)

     I must make a confession. I feel that I'm big enough to "Man Up" (sorry to evoke an anti-PC term. Maybe I should have used that confusing red neck term "Cowboy up") to a realization that I've come to grips over. There are many aspects of liberalism that I am reluctantly happy to embrace. Your grass-fed beef is especially tasty. Goes great with your "Jammy" Sonoma Zinfandel. I love your artisan, wood-fired roasted, flatbreads pizzas. YUUUMM. Taking an 8 person Coleman pup tent into a field to campout for 5 days and watch 30 musical acts perform sets of 20 minute musical masturbation noodling can even be quite enjoyable too. I've spent many an afternoon in a dusty record store, thumbing through stacks of albums in a quest for that perfect classic vinyl album that will pop & crack in all of its high fidelity glory. It is my "Mecca"! Even your "college favorite" comedian, that occasionally stars on your liberal "Funny or Die" type sketch comedy show, is also hilarious. They'll poke fun at us and our values, but I can look past that because we all should be able to make fun of ourselves! Even your organic Mac & Cheese is to die for.

     But your governmental policies and lifestyle choices are horrid. Your ideology fails every time it’s attempted. Yet you continue vilify capitalism, which has worked every time it's been tried. You camp out in front of the Halliburton office building in protest of capitalism, not ever realizing that you actively engage in Capitalism daily. Consumed with your iPhones & iPads, which allow you to post anti capitalism rhetoric on your Facebook & Twitter accounts, the hypocrisy is thick in your world. Every time you sell a grilled cheese or nitrous balloon at a Phish concert, you engage in capitalism. Each time you meticulously weigh out your illegal stash of Northern Lights to maximize it for the most cash from the stoner kid dropping by your "flat", you’re engaging in capitalism. That favorite coffee shop with the local art for sale on the wall (capitalism in action alert!) that sells that tasteless soy bean vegan burger...that’s called capitalism. Your favorite hardcore punk group (signed to a capitalist label like a Sony or an Atlantic Records) engages in capitalism through selling "merch" along with the tickets to their show. All while their lyrics scream against such actions, they continue to reside within a hypocritical dilemma on a daily basis. This happens while still involving capitalism in their lives as a “necessary evil” just to survive.

    You've even inadvertently CREATED a market inside capitalism!!!! You've met the need for those who don't want to consume any edible item that HAS A FACE (Veganism)!!! Congratulations! Thanks for joining us in this glorious, “Adam Smith Hidden Hand” economy! Yes, government may have created that scenic, mountain bike trail that you so long to traverse in the wee sunrise hours of the frosty AM. But that paper thin bike that swallows your behind like a whale sucking up mounds of krill, that was built by capitalism! The skin tight shorts that are painted on, with the bike shirt that has the loud emblems which make you look like the NASCAR driver of biking? That was capitalism as well. In fact, you've effectively have become a walking, hypocritical billboard for the company that made your skin tight biking digs. The necessary evil…is capitalism. It’s necessary because it works (it IS a perfect system). It’s only evil because we, as imperfect sinful beings, corrupt it and turn it evil. Reason NUMBER ONE that conservatives, like myself, put a heavy focus on morality and faith. This allows you to be a free individual that can actual function in public. Go ahead and accept the need for Capitalism. I've accepted the need for your contributions! Or, you could return to foot juggling your Hacky Sack while you sit back and allow those “great, brilliant minds” of our “spotless and clean” government officials to take care of you and everything else. That should work out swimmingly.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Down with Disease. Socialism has taken over!

We need to raise awareness on the growing disease called socialism. Maybe we should wear a red ribbon, maybe have a 5K? We could get musicians together to write a kumbaya song that would raise awareness of this growing problem...oh wait, they did that was called "We are the World". Sure, that was written for acquiring aid for Africa! But a globalist view of world citizenry is a fundamental cornerstone in the socialist’s way of thinking. Well then, How about we start a nonprofit 501(c) (3), (but not a 501(c) (4) political action group because we'll never get that one approved), to help spread the awareness of the literal takeover of our entire country from within. Using the typical liberal channels, unfortunately, will not resonate or be effective as is the case with many other awareness campaigns on other issues.

    So, then, shall we use the capitalist approach? Maybe a purchase a neon tattoo of a 140 character "Tweet" hashtaging every scandal that the government has perpetuated on Kim Kardasian's rear? Although she would have more than ample capacity to wear it, the character limitations wouldn't allow us the fit every scandal in 140 characters. Maybe paying for ad time during the Super Bowl to read the statistics of every failed locality and the party affiliation of their leadership, along with their length of tenure. Detroit alone has been under liberal leadership for decades and is surprise. How about we list the contributor’s list and tally of lobbyist’s right below the candidate’s name in the voting booth. Streamline the disgust!  Maybe we can go all out and officially decimate the integrity of the groundwork of what the founders died for by meeting with a attention deficit camera whore with green lipstick who swims in a bathtub of Fruit loop's. And why not?  She has 4 million "hits", so I guess she's legitimate?

    The overall cure for this disease is to meet it uninformed on their level. The left are WIZARDS of this method. Unfortunately, when they have this prime opportunity at their fingertips, they will use it to deceive and distort every shred of truth. Factual ideas and concepts collapse like the house of cards that the lefts ideology is built upon whenever they are challenged. Where the conservatives miss the mark is on two issues.

     First, conservatives attempt to address this issue by having it vocalized by someone who speaks utterly to fast while wearing a bow tie. The conservative case is usually presented by someone who looks like they were the last pick for kickball in middle school. And its typically addressed in an uptight manner with awkwardly delivered humor, if any at all. We, as conservatives, must infiltrate the culture. Unfortunately this is a process that we should have embarked upon decades ago. The left understood this (possibly due to CPUSA marching orders issued by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956 while addressing ambassadors from the west at the Polish Embassy). Luckily, or maybe out of final frustration, many are beginning this quest. Whether it be in the form of children's books and DVD's or Clay-mation movies, instructive and captivating factual based media needs to be initiated. A move to inject conservatism into the culture MUST begin for a change to occur.

    Secondly, education must also be a part of the plan. Deceiving the public with false narratives not only takes less effort, it takes less time. In 12 years of education, you receive a diploma. In 2 to 4 additional years, at the very least, you receive a degree. The point ultimately is that education is a long process. Taking an uninformed public to be educated on an ideology that has been misrepresented, by the body politic along with the mainstream media, will be a tedious undertaking. But, it will require a dynamic and well versed representative of conservatism to accomplish the hurdles of this task. This is what made Reagan so effective. Communicating the concepts in a way that the public can empathize with and understand. This needs to be rebooted. The march needs to begin.