Friday, January 23, 2015

Down with Disease. Socialism has taken over!

We need to raise awareness on the growing disease called socialism. Maybe we should wear a red ribbon, maybe have a 5K? We could get musicians together to write a kumbaya song that would raise awareness of this growing problem...oh wait, they did that was called "We are the World". Sure, that was written for acquiring aid for Africa! But a globalist view of world citizenry is a fundamental cornerstone in the socialist’s way of thinking. Well then, How about we start a nonprofit 501(c) (3), (but not a 501(c) (4) political action group because we'll never get that one approved), to help spread the awareness of the literal takeover of our entire country from within. Using the typical liberal channels, unfortunately, will not resonate or be effective as is the case with many other awareness campaigns on other issues.

    So, then, shall we use the capitalist approach? Maybe a purchase a neon tattoo of a 140 character "Tweet" hashtaging every scandal that the government has perpetuated on Kim Kardasian's rear? Although she would have more than ample capacity to wear it, the character limitations wouldn't allow us the fit every scandal in 140 characters. Maybe paying for ad time during the Super Bowl to read the statistics of every failed locality and the party affiliation of their leadership, along with their length of tenure. Detroit alone has been under liberal leadership for decades and is surprise. How about we list the contributor’s list and tally of lobbyist’s right below the candidate’s name in the voting booth. Streamline the disgust!  Maybe we can go all out and officially decimate the integrity of the groundwork of what the founders died for by meeting with a attention deficit camera whore with green lipstick who swims in a bathtub of Fruit loop's. And why not?  She has 4 million "hits", so I guess she's legitimate?

    The overall cure for this disease is to meet it uninformed on their level. The left are WIZARDS of this method. Unfortunately, when they have this prime opportunity at their fingertips, they will use it to deceive and distort every shred of truth. Factual ideas and concepts collapse like the house of cards that the lefts ideology is built upon whenever they are challenged. Where the conservatives miss the mark is on two issues.

     First, conservatives attempt to address this issue by having it vocalized by someone who speaks utterly to fast while wearing a bow tie. The conservative case is usually presented by someone who looks like they were the last pick for kickball in middle school. And its typically addressed in an uptight manner with awkwardly delivered humor, if any at all. We, as conservatives, must infiltrate the culture. Unfortunately this is a process that we should have embarked upon decades ago. The left understood this (possibly due to CPUSA marching orders issued by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956 while addressing ambassadors from the west at the Polish Embassy). Luckily, or maybe out of final frustration, many are beginning this quest. Whether it be in the form of children's books and DVD's or Clay-mation movies, instructive and captivating factual based media needs to be initiated. A move to inject conservatism into the culture MUST begin for a change to occur.

    Secondly, education must also be a part of the plan. Deceiving the public with false narratives not only takes less effort, it takes less time. In 12 years of education, you receive a diploma. In 2 to 4 additional years, at the very least, you receive a degree. The point ultimately is that education is a long process. Taking an uninformed public to be educated on an ideology that has been misrepresented, by the body politic along with the mainstream media, will be a tedious undertaking. But, it will require a dynamic and well versed representative of conservatism to accomplish the hurdles of this task. This is what made Reagan so effective. Communicating the concepts in a way that the public can empathize with and understand. This needs to be rebooted. The march needs to begin.

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