Monday, March 16, 2015

You wanted to keep your plan. And you COULD...unless it needed adjustment to be economically viable. The Unintended Consequences of Government intervention

 Unintended consequences. The ripple effect in the water that will become a churning, giant tsunami wave crashing on distant shores. The tremors building and rumbling into an eventual 9.5 Richter earthquake, resulting in the shock waves weeks thereafter. The argument with the spouse that leads to a small remark that you wish you could take back. You had "no idea" that would be taken that way! But it is interpreted in ways you'd never foreseen! The butterfly effect. Unintended consequences can be extremely detrimental to the individual with regard to Government intervention. Markets and personal liberties can be rattled, indirectly, by the unintended consequences of their actions. Many examples can be cited throughout history. One example in particular is one that is fresh in the news, as well as in our everyday lives.

  Governmental intervention and its unintended consequences can be exemplified through the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. EVERYONE needs healthcare coverage, don't they? What could go wrong with creating a national healthcare plan? You may already HAVE insurance. Why not help those that are unable to do so? Sounds fair, doesn't it? And you LOVE your plan! That’s why you most likely spent an entire day fleshing out “your plan” in a mind numbing meeting. You spent hours with insurance representatives, agonizing over the options, to which you found the perfect, little combination of benefits that complimented you and your family. You wanted to keep "your plan"! And they ensured within the law itself that you COULD keep your long as it wasn't adjusted! It was considered grandfathered, as long as no changes were made to your plan. Any sort of adjustment that did not comply with the affordable care act was canceled by law. Examples abound within the “News” cycles and stories. In Colorado, plans that have adjusted to the economic demands of the Affordable Healthcare Act are currently being discontinued. Maybe it was due to that fact they can’t handle the new economic strain? Maybe, they've moved to an economically viable solution to forge the business's "going concern", as they strive to meet new demands from the consequences of being compliant to the A.C.A?

   There is an interesting, “perfect storm” that occurs when an existing plan adjusts its benefits to weather the new, excrement storm that looms over the horizon. It loses its “grandfathered status”. That plan is no longer under the definition of a “grandfathered plan”. It is also no longer under the definition of “your plan”. You lose “your plan”. A grandfathered plan is a health plan in force on March 23, 2010. It can continue to be an exempt plan if it follows certain requirements, to maintain the grandfathered status. Some of the requirements that would cause the loss of grandfathered status include: Eliminating benefits, increasing a participants’ percentage cost-sharing requirement, certain reductions in employer or employee organization contributions rates, annual benefit limits that are changed. A provision in the law states that when your plan did not comply with the requirements, that it was no longer grandfathered. Once canceled, you were required to be issued a written notice. This notice was to explain all of the reasons for the cancellation, along with the fact that you’ll need to procure another plan. In a perfect world, your ORIGINAL plan was grandfathered. The unintended consequences of government intervention at work. Market forces, due to this law, caused a situation that lead to almost every plan to be re-calibrated in order to cover the new cost and the new expenses. Being forced to cover people that already had conditions that would not allow them to receive insurance, which required paying TONS of additional medical expenses, caused plan adjustments to occur. And that's when your pretty, little plan was “shocked to death” and you received a nice little “Dear John” letter from your provider in the mail. But government didn't really consider those consequences, and to what extent those consequential results would eventually lead (Or DID they…that’s another topic, for another day). We now have to pay for the intervention of their “intentions”.

   Ultimately, when the government intercedes, you get the ripples from the consequences of their actions. The butterfly effect from the flapping of their political “wings” leads to a national disaster that will cause years of strife and a “Trail of Tears”. A politician’s status of being “needed”, which in turn defines them as elite, means that they are throwing YOU the bone. They’ll be fine on their politically crafted, Cadillac Plans that you or I will never have the opportunity to enjoy.  It is you and I that will be continually burned by the “Unintended Consequences” of their actions. Unless we realize the REAL roles that are to be restored. WE vote them into office. THEY are public servants that should engage in that thing we call “representation”. We need to demand a return to the definition of a Representative “We, The People”.