Friday, April 17, 2015

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen? Not if they’re cooking the same entree! Let’s pack the 2016 Primaries!!

The primary season is upon us, Ladies and Gents. Many will step up to declare their desire to lead. Many will try to enunciate the case as to why they are fit to steer this great ship. Some will seek the position for its ancillary benefits: fame, historical footprint, or even the end game of financial gain from giving speeches after serving at least a full term (a precedent crafted by "Mr. Integrity", William Jefferson Clinton, I might add). The intentions of others will be to view a quest to lead from a place of duty and servitude. Regardless of the desires of the many potential candidates, the vetting now begins! The battleground is being set. Numerous "fisticuffs" will be thrown in debates, all focused on fleshing out contenders in the "ring" of ideology, round after round. This time around, it will be bigger than just a two sided war. It will not only be a war between Left and Right. For some candidates, they will have to fight two battles at the same time and spread their energy thinner than most. This war will include an internal battle that will consist of an unexpected, tectonic plate shift to occur within the Republican Party.  It will be an Establishment vs. "The Outsiders" struggle. The designated moniker of the so called "Electable" (as dubbed by imperial, establishment agents) will spar against the novice "every-man" defenders of freedom and liberty. Ultimately, an argument against an “overcrowded” candidate pool will begin to be formulated. But to the contrary, a giant pool of conservative candidates will bring about an amazingly beneficial and unintended consequence. An “overcrowded” primary will allow for the change in perception of conservatism, re-branding of the conservative viewpoint, and an ideological beat-down of the Republican “RINO” establishment movement within the party.  

Kim Kardashian wanted to "Break the Internet" by showing her ginormous, naked Gluteus Maximus. Conservatives have a similar opportunity to "Break the Republican Stereotype", by showing their naked core assets of principles and values. They have a platform to show ACTUAL transparency in their beliefs. Contrary to popular belief, Conservatives do not focus on race or even gender. Ironically, their diversity actually eclipses that of the Democrat's "surface and shallow" claims of cornering the market on diversity. The left is fixated on historical firsts over actual substance. Conversely, Conservatives desire nothing BUT complete substance in their viewpoints. They now have a diverse group of backgrounds all declaring substantive viewpoints. They are all shouting the exact same message, one of individual liberty and the greatness of the individual human spirit. The party of “old white guys” does not exist. It may have, at one point, within the “RINO’ establishment. But within the Tea Party Conservatives, all genders and races are welcomed. With Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio’s Hispanic lineage, Ben Carson’s black background and heritage, and even Carly Fiorina’s female gender ACTIVELY SHOWS that diversity is welcomed within the movement. But those are shallow, surface based “qualifications” that shouldn't have any bearing on ideology and policy. The ideas that they present are all of a similar strain. This “Conservative Collective” will have a profound effect on the perceptions of conservatism with the uninformed public at large.

Conservatives now have an opening in which they can re-brand their viewpoint. They can even supersede the delivery of core values to a level even more pronounced than President Reagan could have ever accomplish. A collection of "Conservative Town Criers" now have the ability to decimate the traditional Main Stream Media’s extortion and control over the story and information. The "Filibustering class", as I like to call them, that have all “Frisbee-d” their hats into the race, will now be able to unify the Tea Party Conservative message of values and principles. They can accomplish this while thrusting their message into the main stream limelight. Never have conservatives had so many candidates fighting for freedom, liberty, and “true conservatism”...all a part of an upcoming campaign. In doing so, they have an opportunity to have ideas united and proclaimed above the scrutiny of the "News Media". Keep in mind, the News Media will take every opportunity to demonize each candidate with shallow attacks, hoping that the uninformed public will soak up as fact and mimic the talking bullet points at the water cooler with coworkers in the morning. The media will go on and on, complaining about proper interviewing etiquette that should be maintained with female journalists, Dog carriers on tops of cars, and the amount of money a Governor would've paid for a thrift shop shirt. All of that can now be beaten by a collection of conservatives, declaring a unifying message through the primary bullhorn. Small government, liberty, and freedom are the foundations of their argument and should stand on its own regardless of color, creed, or gender. 

Unfortunately, the "Filibustering class" will not be able to sashay their way to the nomination of the Republican Party. They will not have an easy time pole vaulting above the “Republican in name only (RINO)” pachyderms. But RINOS are beatable.  One case in particular was the shot heard around the party. The defeat of House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor. Keep in mind, Mr. Cantor didn't start out being a RINO. He CLAIMED he was a Tea Party Conservative. But during the birth and groundswell of the movement, many tried to capitalize the Tea Party rumblings on its energy alone. Ultimately, the Washington machine clutched Mr. Cantor's principles and ideas and crushed them into a lobbyist infused powder. He used that powder to cement his place as the House Majority Leader. Someone of that stature and position should have never lost to a virtual unknown. But it happened. And it was completely based on principles and values of the message. Those of a Conservative angle. This was the initial skirmish in the internal war within the Republican Party. Not all battles have been won, but not all of those that have been fought were done so with honesty, integrity, and actual merit. What we are witnessing in the current primary season is a “D-Day” of sorts. Candidates are storming the shores of the party. Their message is unified and resonating. Even if they don’t secure the nomination, the difference of viewpoint between conservatives and establishment RINO’s will be widely known. This could be the ripple effect to build the wave to wash the party clean of financial corruption and compromised values.

A new day is peaking over the horizon. It’s been growing for years, all while being demonized and even weathering an effort to be re-branded by those whom despise it. In an age where freedoms are being squashed, values are being crushed, and privacy is being compromised, a longing by the disenfranchised American to return to controlling their own destiny will occur. When this aligns with the conservative message, it will connect with those disillusioned citizens in a revolutionary way. While the media will "pick and pull" its choices for candidates to smear, the unifying message being delivered from the heart and prompter-free, will have the ability to overcome the media stronghold. The free swapping and sharing of information through the social media channels, that previously were not a political factor, will aid in the education of the conservative message and its massive spread. So, fill the field! Bring on the candidates! Reinvigorate a party that SHOULD stand for the individual and not the party interest!

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